We’ve placed a few thousand English teachers in schools across China, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. Often times, these stellar people will write us and share about their experiences overseas. Meet a few of our past teachers!.
It’s always amazing to see how the adventure of teaching abroad changes the life of each and every person!

Hello future AT teachers! My name is Leah and I am currently teaching at Maple Bear Gimpo.
What made me go to Korea was wanting something new and exciting in my life. I thought moving abroad to teach English sounded like a great idea. With my background in communications and theater, teaching in any country in Southeast Asia would be a perfect opportunity, but I ultimately chose to go to Korea. I already had a fascination with the language, culture, people, food, and music. Who doesn’t at least know a little bit about BTS at this point? Despite arriving to where I teach now about halfway through their school year, I was able to become a part of the classes I teach from the moment I entered as a trainee. I also love the fact that I was able to travel to so many different places like Jeonju Hanok Village, Nami Island, and Seoul, the capital of Korea. I think I got lucky that there are quite a few foreign teachers at the company I am working for and have a lot of support, which I am eternally grateful for.

My name is Anaum and I have been living and teaching in Korea since November of 2022. I teach in Pyeongchon, which is just about an hour by subway to Seoul. The location is great - you get to experience normal, everyday life outside of the big city whilst still having easy access to whatever might be going on in the capital.
I’ve wanted to teach abroad for most of my life, and Adventure Teaching made it not only possible, but a very smooth process as well. I was able to get myself and my documents prepared with no hiccups. Teaching in Korea so far has been wonderful. There is always something new to do and experience, and the campus I was placed at was a great fit. Traveling within the country is easy and definitely recommended - Gyeonggi is nice, but there is so much more to Korea that you’ll be able to see in the other provinces. Getting to know and work with my students has been the most rewarding part of all of this. I am so grateful for all the help AT provided. They were an invaluable resource.

Hello! My name is Nicolette and I am currently teaching at Maple Bear Gimpo.
I chose to move further across the Pacific Ocean after studying Early Childhood and Elementary Education in Hawaiʻi, where I was first exposed to the Korean language and culture. I wanted to immerse myself in a place quite foreign to my own because of the Korean friends I made and came to really value this exchange of language and culture, while doing something I enjoy.
After completing my first full month out here, something I really love about it so far is the lively, young family-oriented activities all across this city, and around Seoul. It becomes a whole different place in the evening with many markets selling yummy goods, many water walk fountains, and many welcoming restaurants that it’s so easy to find something new to try. And of course, the endless array of coffee shops every where I walk has eased the transition here too.

My name is Megan Miles and I am currently residing in Daejeon, South Korea. It is literally right in the middle of the country. I honestly still cannot believe I am actually here, some days it feels unreal. I‘ve always had the desire to combine my two dreams, which is teaching and traveling, and Korea stood out to me the most. Some people may run from the thought of culture shock, however, I am in love with it. The language itself was so intriguing to me and to be able to learn more about their culture and history while I get to teach their future young minds is honestly a dream come true. What I love the most, and what would be the most common or expected answer, is definitely the food. I also enjoy the fact that traveling within the country, getting to see many beautiful sights and places is so convenient and easy as well as foreigner friendly. None of what I just mentioned would have been possible without Adventure Teaching and their amazing team. They made every step of the way so easy and they were always, and continue to be there for me even after my placement. I could not be more happy with how they handle all situations regarding my big move here and how they wholeheartedly care about my wellbeing and happiness (in and out of school). Here’s hoping to make many more amazing memories in a country I now call home away from home!

Abbie Carlson
"I absolutely loved living and teaching abroad. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would even visit Asia, let alone live in and fall in love with Korea. Adventure Teaching helped inspire and calm me before going and consistently encouraged me when I was abroad. I can say, with no hesitation, working with Adventure Teaching and going to Korea was the best decision I’ve ever made. Ever.
Living and teaching abroad taught me how to successfully and creatively communicate with others, while giving me ample opportunities to practice patience, kindness and sincerity – all of which have made me a very well-rounded employee for each job I’ve had since returning home. I currently do sales with a super fun startup company in Seattle, Washington. I sell wine and barware accessories and it’s a blast!"

Carolyn Sybesma
"Over the three years I spent as an ESL and music teacher in Seoul, I fell in love with the country’s vibrant culture and its extraordinary people. Adventure Teaching was committed to finding me a school that was the right fit, and their amazing staff supported me throughout the entire process of job searching and preparing to move abroad. I am truly grateful to Adventure Teaching for opening the door to what was one of most rewarding and exciting experiences of my life.
Teaching ESL and music in Korea made me realize how passionate I am about bringing music education to young people in a multicultural environment. I now live in Chicago and work as the program director for an after school youth orchestra program in one of the city’s most diverse neighborhoods."

Mason Judy
"Teaching and living in South Korea was a wholly unique experience that allowed me to save and also see more of the world. AT provided the best, clearest source of information on living in Korea and offered valuable guidance when it came to navigating immigration paperwork. They helped me before and after I arrived, as well as half the people that worked in my office! They placed me in a school that was stable and reliable which are paramount when finding a teaching position.
Teaching abroad gave me the push and financial means I needed to finally step into the career path I had envisioned for myself post-graduation. I’m currently working on writing English Curriculum for high schools on the East Coast of the USA, and will be pursuing my masters in the U.K. in 2014."

Kelsey Phillips
"My overall experience in Korea was rich. Rich in experience, culture, personal-growth, friendships, and financial income! Teaching was something I had to warm up to, but once I got going I learned I liked it so much more than I had imagined... enough to come back for another year in 2011. Adventure Teaching provided a much-needed boost to get me to Korea. I felt supported through the entire process – the job interview, reviewing the contract and signing it, packing and flight arrangements, and finally the transition to living overseas... even after I got to Korea they kept hooking me up with help! When I moved back a second time, the choice to use Adventure Teaching as my recruiter was a no brainer.
I am living in California, assisting in the sales and manufacturing of audio equipment. I never could’ve guessed how much my experience in South Korea (and the understanding I gained of Asian culture while living and travelling there) helps me daily as I decipher emails and communicate cross-culturally with our Asian manufactures. It’s surreal how much I still miss my Korean home - truth be told, I still consider returning again one day...through Adventure Teaching, of course!"

Christopher & Lauren Haws
"Our overall experience living and working in Korea was too rich to be summed up into a few short sentences. Living in South Korea is a rewarding experience, paying valuable dividends that multiply the more you immerse yourself in the culture. Adventure Teaching did an incredible job pairing us with a school that we loved. They were quick to answer all of our questions and made our preparation, arrival, and stay in Korea a stress-free experience.
"Chris is now in his last year of law school at Tulane, and Lauren is a practicing Doula and administrative assistant at a local hospital here in New Orleans. Lauren gave birth to our first child, Ivydee this past summer. Our experience teaching overseas continues to influence our lives on a daily basis: from the simple task of removing our shoes before entering our home, to the foundational values we adopted while in Korea that we plan to teach our kids."

Katie Newman
"Korea has a very special place in my heart. It was such an amazing experience, one that changed me through and through. Adventure Teaching was always a phone call or email away if I needed anything, and I literally cannot imagine what my time in Korea would’ve been like without their friendly emails checking in, teacher events in Seoul, and guidance throughout the entire process.
Korea taught me the value of international travel and finding value in what you do day-to-day. After returning home, I worked first as an insurance broker and later at a bank…neither of which lasted long. It’s impossible to “go back” to the life you were living before, so I moved to Colorado to work for a child sponsorship organization which has proven to be much more meaningful and fulfilling work!"

Greg & Tayla Buckman
Tayla: "I went to Korea with a few friends from college in 2009. From finding a job to arriving and getting situated, from planning events to making friends and connections, Adventure Teaching was with me every step of the way. And seriously, I never could have imagined that I’d meet my future husband overseas! Who knows, Adventure Teaching may get you a spouse out of it too!"
Greg: "Totally agree with everything my wife said – especially the part about meeting my future wife… in Korea, of all places! We loved the different experiences we had in Seoul, and have so many great stories and memories to show for it."
Both: "We live in Kansas City where Greg is a High School History Teacher and Tayla is an IT Technical Recruiter. The experience that I (Greg) gained in South Korea undoubtedly helped me land my current teaching gig!"

Trevor Harwood
"I had been lucky enough to travel extensively around the world before moving to Seoul, but my time teaching in Korea at an after-school program was an experience I’ll never forget. When you’re traveling, it can be hard to make connections and establish friendships with locals. Korea finally gave me the chance to experience the culture in a much more rewarding way, rather than just passing through as a visitor. And as far as Adventure Teaching goes, let me just say this: you will go through challenges teaching abroad, but the AT staff actually cares about your entire experience as opposed to most of the other agencies out there. They helped ease the minor bumps I experienced along the way with their quick responses, friendly staff, and connections with companies like The Arrival Store. You would be crazy to pursue work overseas without the assistance of Adventure Teaching!
One thing I loved about teaching in Korea was all the free time I had to pursue other endeavors and hobbies that I never seemed to have time for before. It was actually during my time in Korea that I founded my current company Postscapes.com, where we are ‘Tracking the Internet of Things.’"

Anna Vaughn
"Korea has been one of the most life-changing experiences for me. There is no question that I wouldn‘t be where I am right now in my life or career without Adventure Teaching. Adventure Teaching’s expertise and honesty were what drew me to Korea in the first place, and the community and relationships I found with other Adventure Teaching teachers were what kept me here. Even though there were some ups and downs in my first year in Korea, Adventure Teaching was a wonderful partner that I am immeasurably thankful for. All of my non-Adventure Teaching friends are amazed and jealous when I tell them about my recruiting experience.
After my first Adventure Teaching job, I was hired as a professor at Seoul Women’s University in Nowon-gu, Seoul. I have been at my current position for over 3 years. I never thought I would stay in Korea for this long, but thanks to Adventure Teaching, I quickly realized that an expat life was a good fit for me."