
Teaching English in Jeju

English Teaching in Jeju at Jeju Foreign Language Learning Center

Programs facilitating English Teaching in Jeju continue to be rolled out throughout the province.

Jeju Foreign Language Learning Center recently announced that on April 27th, the 6th-grade students of Jeju Nam Elementary School had a real environment of experiential learning with a native speaker teacher in the 2022 school year.

The experiential learning consisted of participants’ prior education, cultural understanding education, and real model experiential learning.

In the cultural understanding education component, students had time to understand the cultural characteristics and historical facts of each country of focus, such as the United States, Canada, and South Africa. After that, the experience study room vividly reproduced environments such as airports, hospitals, currency exchange offices, department stores, restaurants, and grocery stores. Students had an opportunity to talk with native speakers using English expressions that can be used in real-world situations.

The students who participated in the experiential learning provided feedback like “I liked the experiential learning because it was real”, “The experiential learning with a native English teacher is so much fun and I want to come again”, “The experiential activity helped me learn English” and “I will continue to do this in the future.”

An official from the Jeju Foreign Language Learning Center said, “We plan to actively support this year’s real environment experiential learning to motivate students to learn English and increase their cultural sensitivity.”

Interested in English teaching in Jeju or elsewhere in Korea? Get in touch or apply today!

Teaching English in Jeju

Teaching English in Jeju Expands into Research

Those interested in teaching English in Jeju can find more rewarding jobs become available these days. For instance, Jeju Foreign Language Learning Center announced this month that it has been operating the 2022 high school subject exploration project class with English teachers in Korea for high school students throughout the province.

The high school subject research project class is a cooperative program with specific high schools in Jeju, and native-speaking teachers from Jeju Foreign Language Learning Center visit the schools to support student-centered topic inquiry activities. Participating students directly select a project research topic and write a final report after conducting data research and in-depth research.

In the first half of the program, five English club teams from Daegi High School, Jeju Girls’ High School, and Jeju Jungang Girls’ High School participated in topics like Social Problems Exploration, Conflict Resolution, Human Development Psychology and Arduino Utilization Device Production and were performing in-depth research on these subjects.

An official from Jeju Foreign Language Learning Center said, “We expect that students will be able to expand their career exploration opportunities through project activities centered on student participation, and improve students’ English language and presentation skills through the support activities of native English teachers.”

Interested in finding English teaching jobs in Jeju or elsewhere in Korea? Message us today!

Teaching English in Jeju

Teaching in Jeju through Experiential Programs

Teaching in Jeju can be a very enriching experience for those interested in the emerging ESL industry there. The Jeju International Education Center announced this month that it had successfully operated an experiential learning program with a native English teacher in 2022 for 60 fifth-grade students of Jangjeon Elementary School.

The Shinjeju Foreign Culture Learning Center operates experiential learning using real experience environment facilities and experiential learning in which native English teachers in Korea directly visit the school.

Experiential learning at school not only introduces students to foreign cultures through the familiar theme of ‘Superhero’, but also provides opportunities to access and utilize various contents in English through games and pencil case making activities related to the topic.

At the Shinjeju Foreign Culture Learning Center, this year, the ‘experiential learning program with native English teachers’ will be held 31 times for as many as 2,000 students in 6 elementary schools and 2 middle schools, including Jangjeon Elementary School.

Jeju International Education Center also operates in conjunction with Shinjeju Foreign Culture Learning Center for a middle and high school English club support group program that is conducted in 14 sessions each in the first and second half of the year. It involves a native English teacher visiting the schools in person, taking into consideration the level and interest of the students, and supporting club activities with various themes.

Looking for more dynamic work like this in Jeju or elsewhere in Korea? Let us know!